Good morning, afternoon or nigth, I know that this page cant process this 1GB game and mega was the only option, but a lot of users are having problems with this web (including me) so why not try another web, one like MEDIAFARE, is the same but better.
While I appreciate the game and all, could you try toning the physics down? It's unbelievably distracting with characters, irrelevant of size, having features moving around with too much force. Also, some users were having concerns with using MEGA for downloading, especially with a reputation of using its internal "downloading" system, before downloading directly to the drive.
so, no way to edit characters physical traits/save files? i didn't catch the belly button section at first glance and it's at "None" by default so now i have a character without one and i wish to change it :(
Hey, so there's a bug in 0.4 that corrupts your save data from version 0.3.1. Which means when you try and open an apartment (that you created back in version 0.3.1), all of their data goes to zero and the game randomizes the appearance of your old character. Is there any way to fix that issue moving forward because I'm sure everyone here would be distraught if their hard work would all be for nothing every time a new version comes out.
I am currently trying to reset the save file to try and fix the clock not going up (Unless the window is actively being held), but I can't seem to find the C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\LocalLow\SolitaryScribbles\ChubChompChill\SaveFile.es3, aka "SaveFile.es3" and before you ask yes I didn't just include the [your username] part, I put my name, and it still wasn't there I only have the downloaded version and not the launcher, but I cannot find the save file to attempt a restart to fix the time bug I have searched the depths of the "ChubChompChill_Data" File, the "MonoBleedingEdge" file, and basically every other file, but to no avail. Where is the save file even located if not in those two?
Been having tons of fun with this game, but with version 3.2 I can't play it anymore. Time doesn't progress at all now - except if I drag the window, then a minute will pass (which is very strange). Wish the older versions were available so I could continue to play.
Just found out about this game yesterday. Now it’s the main thing I’m playing. I honestly think this is THE best weight gain/belly fetish game out right now. Mainly because it has a huge opportunity for replay ability! Right now it’s fun to try to get specific items in the shop, and to trying to find different ways to make your citizens blow up! I personally love that you can use soda to make the citizens bloated for a short time. I would LOVE to see an expansion on that part of the game, and maybe some more shop items with buffs/that are able to bloat your citizen? Either way, looking perfect so far. I get paid today and when I do I’m going straight to support the patreon to make sure I can help keep this game on the right track!
I have found a fix for the bug which prevents you from closing menus and finishing characters. It seems to be a common bug, and it's affected me too.
This might not work for everyone, but it works for me.
Manually delete your game and files, and reinstall it
Go into C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\LocalLow\SolitaryScribbles\ChubChompChill and delete the file named "SaveFile.es3"
Launch the game directly (I haven't tested it using the launcher) and the menus should work again. It worked for me, so I hope it works for the rest of you too.
I am unable to play the game. Every time I go to the options menu, I am unable to close out of it without closing the entire application. Also, the "Finish" button in the character creator doesn't work at all. This started after my windows updated and I lost my game data. I uninstalled the game (10 times at least before reinstalling after), the windows update, everything I downloaded in the past week, and that hasn't fixed it. I've searched through files, updates, and have done lots of deleting, installing, reinstalling, and restarting. I've even downloaded the launcher and done everything through there, still getting the same result. I don't care much about the data, I just wanna play the game. I don't what more to do, but I've given up for now. Any advice is appreciated.
I'm really sorry to hear that, mate. I know other people have brought up that they're experiencing similar things. I'm not entirely sure what's causing it. But I'm trying to adjust things so it hopefully won't happen in the next version.
Has any one reach the storage warehouse if not then i really do play this quite a bit its only with one person but i think its good. Oh an odd tip about reaching 1m wobbs is any one close to it?
I got the same bug as twangmen, on day 54 time has slowed down to a crawl, and it seems minutes are passing inconsistently. The only real problem this has caused is a lack of shop inventory rotation. I also noticed the digestion attribute doesn't update in the profile after level up without switching areas. Other than that, I do have some design-related feedback. First, it would be nice to be able to see weight distribution without having to go to the clinic. Second, I really wish I could see what kind of cravings a food satisfied. It's just guess-work at the moment. Third, the current breast shape looks weird at larger sizes with any bare skin showing, it looks like one large flesh flab. Finally, I decided to start recording each food's calorie per happiness point (cph), because as expensive as some foods were, I wanted to see if they were even worth it. From what I was able to record (the bug I encountered stopped me from doing everything), the max was 40 cph (roast turkey), while the min was about 5 cph (salad and sushi). The problem here is that, with only a 50% bonus, cravings often don't outweigh the value of better foods. What this ends up meaning is that you really only want the top few foods on the list, whichever ones are actually better than the max base value when you get an appropriate craving. The rest, unless they provide a separate buff, just aren't worth buying at all (like salad). My suggestion is to either reduce the range of cph across all foods, improve the craving bonus, add more secondary benefits to more foods, or do some mix of all the above. Because right now, I have little reason to buy much other than roast turkey.
Update: Bread loaves are by far the most cph, at 66.666 repeating (not kidding). It's nearest neighbor is turkey at 40, and bread takes up much less stomach space than the next three foods, making it more spammable. Also, oddly enough, milk jugs are not only more cost effective than mystery kegs, they're also not nearly as expensive per unit. As far as buff foods, they're all mostly the same and middle-of-the-road as far as cph, so I think those are fairly balanced. This game has a lot of potential, and it's quite charming, but math is very important in a game like this. In its current state, unless you're buffing a certain body part, bread loaves are the only food you'll ever want to buy, as nothing beats them even with craving bonuses. Ultimately it's not a huge problem as far as fun factor is concerned, but it is a huge problem if you want the game to encourage buying multiple food varieties. Also, while doing this, I found myself often accidentally leaving the store when I wanted to buy an item, due to where the buttons are placed. I would recommend placing the back button in the upper left corner, away from all the food menus, and maybe moving the buy button to where back currently is.
This game is very charming and i love it so far! i would really like if there was some kind of "modify" button for changing a character's appearence after you've created them though (i know, kind of a weird complaint, but what can i say, i like to do things accurate)
Literally everything i do in terms of shifting files and deleting never works. I've been sat for hours and every time the set up comes up it says error because it exists somewhere else (It doesn't) or just straight up nothing. For the love of my sanity please help
There is no like restart game button bc a glitch happened to me where the person was different and I couldn't use that save so that just works so I had to uninstall both files and now I have just reinstalled so I will keep you up to date on what happens so can the dev plz get back to me
got an idea for update: a Food Generator which you buy at food market which give you the opportunity make random food with the 25,50,75,100 and etc. number of food but multiply by the level of the character of yours and you can upgrade your Food Generator to make food come faster.
i think it would be interesting if there was dialogue connected to different stages of size and different reactions to it like when they become noticeably fat, then immobile, and then in need of going to the warehouse.
Also being able to make the breats, hips, and butt grow primarily at any size and it be noticeable would be great
lil idea, what if there was a seperate currency that your residents paid you that you could spend on decorations or furniture for them? ik that would probably take a while to program, but i think it would be cool :)
A huge bug I've noticed is that eventually (I've been running the game AFK to farm happiness points) in game time comes to a near standstill and the shop refreshes so slow to the point where several days to over a week has passed and the shop is still the same. And the in game time has progressed at most 5 hours. I wonder what even causes this issue?
i hate to put more on your development plate, but it seems like if i leveled up a character before the hotfix (that changed their balancing) then that character would be stuck with the pre balance values. Would it be possible to add a button that resets the level of a character so i could just redo their levels?
@SolitaryScribbles Even when i input a name, it wont let me make any new characters after voiding my old ones. it even wont let me close the options scree
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Dude, i only made an account so i could comment, i can't download since MEGA needs premium stuff...It's annoying bro...
Good morning, afternoon or nigth, I know that this page cant process this 1GB game and mega was the only option, but a lot of users are having problems with this web (including me) so why not try another web, one like MEDIAFARE, is the same but better.
While I appreciate the game and all, could you try toning the physics down? It's unbelievably distracting with characters, irrelevant of size, having features moving around with too much force. Also, some users were having concerns with using MEGA for downloading, especially with a reputation of using its internal "downloading" system, before downloading directly to the drive.
Also, the launcher's now useless.
I am aware of all of those. They are explained here. @ 1:00
Love the new update, but like others are saying the jiggle physics are definitely… a lot. Rather unsightly when the character isn’t enormous.
so, no way to edit characters physical traits/save files? i didn't catch the belly button section at first glance and it's at "None" by default so now i have a character without one and i wish to change it :(
Jiggle physics on short characters go bonkers when they move.
Not exactly game ruining but really weird looking.
Oh gosh. Its definitely not supposed to look that intense. I'll look into why that's happening.
please make alternate wedsite to download it becaseu the download take too long
Hey, so there's a bug in 0.4 that corrupts your save data from version 0.3.1. Which means when you try and open an apartment (that you created back in version 0.3.1), all of their data goes to zero and the game randomizes the appearance of your old character. Is there any way to fix that issue moving forward because I'm sure everyone here would be distraught if their hard work would all be for nothing every time a new version comes out.
Solitary scribbles warned in the recent notes (Version 0.4 Is Here! - Chub, Chomp, Chill by SolitaryScribbles ( That the save from 0.3.1 will not work properly. That being said, I'm sure they might make a converter at some point.
hey i try download but it take to long because mega stupid upgrade system. do you have any alternate wedsite to download it? pleas
Kinda-bug report: Too much belly jiggle when the characters are skinny.
EDIT: fixed, yeah, looks much better.
what would be nice if you can have something or someone automaticly feed your companion via other methods
I am currently trying to reset the save file to try and fix the clock not going up (Unless the window is actively being held), but I can't seem to find the C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\LocalLow\SolitaryScribbles\ChubChompChill\SaveFile.es3, aka "SaveFile.es3"
and before you ask yes I didn't just include the [your username] part, I put my name, and it still wasn't there
I only have the downloaded version and not the launcher, but I cannot find the save file to attempt a restart to fix the time bug I have searched the depths of the "ChubChompChill_Data" File, the "MonoBleedingEdge" file, and basically every other file, but to no avail.
Where is the save file even located if not in those two?
I'm having problems trying to open the game, could you make a worded guide on how to open the game? thank yo
How and where am i suppose to open the game becouse i can only find it in file explorer and open it as a zip file (as coding and images)?
Been having tons of fun with this game, but with version 3.2 I can't play it anymore. Time doesn't progress at all now - except if I drag the window, then a minute will pass (which is very strange). Wish the older versions were available so I could continue to play.
what happened to head pats and belly rubs?
Just found out about this game yesterday. Now it’s the main thing I’m playing. I honestly think this is THE best weight gain/belly fetish game out right now. Mainly because it has a huge opportunity for replay ability! Right now it’s fun to try to get specific items in the shop, and to trying to find different ways to make your citizens blow up! I personally love that you can use soda to make the citizens bloated for a short time. I would LOVE to see an expansion on that part of the game, and maybe some more shop items with buffs/that are able to bloat your citizen? Either way, looking perfect so far. I get paid today and when I do I’m going straight to support the patreon to make sure I can help keep this game on the right track!
Attention players!
I have found a fix for the bug which prevents you from closing menus and finishing characters. It seems to be a common bug, and it's affected me too.
This might not work for everyone, but it works for me.
Manually delete your game and files, and reinstall it
Go into C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\LocalLow\SolitaryScribbles\ChubChompChill and delete the file named "SaveFile.es3"
Launch the game directly (I haven't tested it using the launcher) and the menus should work again. It worked for me, so I hope it works for the rest of you too.
is there anyway to reset back to day 1, everytime I install the game it somehow keeps all the information.
I am unable to play the game. Every time I go to the options menu, I am unable to close out of it without closing the entire application. Also, the "Finish" button in the character creator doesn't work at all. This started after my windows updated and I lost my game data. I uninstalled the game (10 times at least before reinstalling after), the windows update, everything I downloaded in the past week, and that hasn't fixed it. I've searched through files, updates, and have done lots of deleting, installing, reinstalling, and restarting. I've even downloaded the launcher and done everything through there, still getting the same result. I don't care much about the data, I just wanna play the game. I don't what more to do, but I've given up for now. Any advice is appreciated.
I'm really sorry to hear that, mate. I know other people have brought up that they're experiencing similar things. I'm not entirely sure what's causing it. But I'm trying to adjust things so it hopefully won't happen in the next version.
Thank you for your time, hope everything works out well for you and the game.
Has any one reach the storage warehouse if not then i really do play this quite a bit its only with one person but i think its good. Oh an odd tip about reaching 1m wobbs is any one close to it?
Ive reached it! The chararacter needs to be 25000 wobbs to unlock it
Ive now reached 1 million however sadly nothing happens :/
I got the same bug as twangmen, on day 54 time has slowed down to a crawl, and it seems minutes are passing inconsistently. The only real problem this has caused is a lack of shop inventory rotation. I also noticed the digestion attribute doesn't update in the profile after level up without switching areas.
Other than that, I do have some design-related feedback. First, it would be nice to be able to see weight distribution without having to go to the clinic. Second, I really wish I could see what kind of cravings a food satisfied. It's just guess-work at the moment. Third, the current breast shape looks weird at larger sizes with any bare skin showing, it looks like one large flesh flab.
Finally, I decided to start recording each food's calorie per happiness point (cph), because as expensive as some foods were, I wanted to see if they were even worth it. From what I was able to record (the bug I encountered stopped me from doing everything), the max was 40 cph (roast turkey), while the min was about 5 cph (salad and sushi). The problem here is that, with only a 50% bonus, cravings often don't outweigh the value of better foods. What this ends up meaning is that you really only want the top few foods on the list, whichever ones are actually better than the max base value when you get an appropriate craving. The rest, unless they provide a separate buff, just aren't worth buying at all (like salad). My suggestion is to either reduce the range of cph across all foods, improve the craving bonus, add more secondary benefits to more foods, or do some mix of all the above. Because right now, I have little reason to buy much other than roast turkey.
Update: Bread loaves are by far the most cph, at 66.666 repeating (not kidding). It's nearest neighbor is turkey at 40, and bread takes up much less stomach space than the next three foods, making it more spammable. Also, oddly enough, milk jugs are not only more cost effective than mystery kegs, they're also not nearly as expensive per unit. As far as buff foods, they're all mostly the same and middle-of-the-road as far as cph, so I think those are fairly balanced.
This game has a lot of potential, and it's quite charming, but math is very important in a game like this. In its current state, unless you're buffing a certain body part, bread loaves are the only food you'll ever want to buy, as nothing beats them even with craving bonuses. Ultimately it's not a huge problem as far as fun factor is concerned, but it is a huge problem if you want the game to encourage buying multiple food varieties.
Also, while doing this, I found myself often accidentally leaving the store when I wanted to buy an item, due to where the buttons are placed. I would recommend placing the back button in the upper left corner, away from all the food menus, and maybe moving the buy button to where back currently is.
This game is very charming and i love it so far! i would really like if there was some kind of "modify" button for changing a character's appearence after you've created them though (i know, kind of a weird complaint, but what can i say, i like to do things accurate)
Literally everything i do in terms of shifting files and deleting never works. I've been sat for hours and every time the set up comes up it says error because it exists somewhere else (It doesn't) or just straight up nothing. For the love of my sanity please help
What are you trying to do?
Pretty cute game.
Characters gain quick enough to keep it interesting. And I love the little indie game references you snuck in.
There is no like restart game button bc a glitch happened to me where the person was different and I couldn't use that save so that just works so I had to uninstall both files and now I have just reinstalled so I will keep you up to date on what happens so can the dev plz get back to me
I think it has corrupted
Like help
You can delete the save file located in
C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\LocalLow\SolitaryScribbles\ChubChompChill\SaveFile.es3
I have reinstalled it but nothing
this game I feel has beam ng drive potential
but I've been wrong b4
so the days sometimes seem like they go on forever
most all of the food is too expensive and even at +10 happiness rate the items are gone by the time you have enough to buy what you want
my ideas
could you add a trigger zone under the floor so that when the belly gets big enough to clip through it triggers the character as immobile
I noticed that the happiness points carried over to each character
so why doesn't the speed that it increases
make it stack between characters so you can fatten up the new ones quicker
so the apartment part of the game
why not make the player behind the building the landlord of the building
(would make more sense for the currency to carry over to each character)
make a calorie mechanic so it's not As easy for the character to gain weight
in Dr bannanaheads weight loss clinic theres
general weight, arms, and bust
but where's the belly and butt reduction?
in the last version I played before you naturally increase
could you please bring that back
got an idea for update: a Food Generator which you buy at food market which give you the opportunity make random food with the 25,50,75,100 and etc. number of food but multiply by the level of the character of yours and you can upgrade your Food Generator to make food come faster.
i think it would be interesting if there was dialogue connected to different stages of size and different reactions to it like when they become noticeably fat, then immobile, and then in need of going to the warehouse.
Also being able to make the breats, hips, and butt grow primarily at any size and it be noticeable would be great
i wish there was a way to force feed them even if they were full
lil idea, what if there was a seperate currency that your residents paid you that you could spend on decorations or furniture for them? ik that would probably take a while to program, but i think it would be cool :)
A huge bug I've noticed is that eventually (I've been running the game AFK to farm happiness points) in game time comes to a near standstill and the shop refreshes so slow to the point where several days to over a week has passed and the shop is still the same. And the in game time has progressed at most 5 hours. I wonder what even causes this issue?
i hate to put more on your development plate, but it seems like if i leveled up a character before the hotfix (that changed their balancing) then that character would be stuck with the pre balance values.
Would it be possible to add a button that resets the level of a character so i could just redo their levels?
Ever since a few days ago, my characters disappeared, and then the character creation screen wouldn't even let me "finish" a character.
@SolitaryScribbles Even when i input a name, it wont let me make any new characters after voiding my old ones. it even wont let me close the options scree
How does one fix it when a character gets ill, do I just need to wait longer?