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Even though I bought different kinds of rooms like warehouses and countries, when I try to set them, nothing happens. Any help with this?


What size phase is your citizen currently on? Are you trying to set a room that's the same size phase that you character is currently?


I don't know how to check the size phase


How much do they currently weigh?


I can't think of a nice way to say this, so I'm just going to say it.  I played 1.1 for 5 minutes before closing the game and deleting it.  Here are my observations from my brief time spent playing:

  • The new character design is worse.
    • The taller, lankier bodies aren't charming like the old ones and are starting to creep down the uncanny valley.  I tried making a character that looked like the old design but it didn't look right.
    • The flat faces just look wrong.
    • None of the eyes looked appealing to me.  The pupils were too small and I had no way to adjust them.
    • Selecting a skin color preset didn't display its hex color value.  This was annoying when I was trying to add a nose that wasn't meant to be a different color than the skin.  There should probably be a toggle to make the nose color copy the skin color.
  • I don't want my character to have a voice.  I'm not sure if there was an option to not have one, but once I'd created a character with a voice I didn't see an option to get rid of it.  I tried turning down the voice volume to 0, but this also turned down the burp volume to 0.
  • The game still seems to be pretty resource intensive for something so visually simple.  I can't fathom why it's 5gb or why I could hear my PC fans spinning up when I entered the apartment room (I'm on high-end, modern hardware).
  • The 2d sprites for the NPCs (the tutorial girl/cashier) clash with the 3d style.
  • Despite playing for such a short time, the game seemed buggy.
    • The preview in the character creator kept randomly rotating and moving while I was interacting with the different options and sliders.
    • Quickly changing the height of my character made the jiggle physics go nuts and stuff started clipping through each other.
    • My character loaded in butt naked before all her clothes slowly loaded on one by one.
    • All of the physics objects in the apartment still go nuts on load in, and a bunch of them end up knocked over.
    • My character got bloated upon feeding her one single soda.
  • The worst issue, which is consistent with previous versions, is the interface.  I'm sure a few of the issues I mentioned wouldn't be issues if I could navigate the interface, but the interface feels unintuitive and unresponsive to the point where I wasn't willing to figure it out.  Buttons and tabs for things are in places where they feel like they shouldn't be, and overall interaction with the interface makes it respond in ways that seem anachronous.  I can't really break this down in a more meaningful and detailed way than this, as I don't have the background in interface design to do so, but an interface that works will go unnoticed and I noticed the one in this game a lot.

For all the work has gone into this version, much of that work has been directed towards things that either didn't matter or were fine as they were.  The character design is a good example of this.  I don't recall there being any meaningful complaints about the old character design, yet clearly a lot of time and effort went into changing it.  Its been a point of criticism since it was first revealed on Twitter, thereby creating a problem out of something that wasn't before.

This seems like a the product of someone who's working entirely alone - that is, one working without meaningful input from one or two other people who they trust.  I think many of the issues I encountered with this game could have been avoided if there was another person involved in development to give simple inputs like "this doesn't really need to be changed" or "this menu doesn't make a lot of sense".

For what it's worth, I'm leaving this comment here because I hope it will be read and considered, and because I care enough about this game to do so.  Again, it's probably not the nicest way I could have said most of this, but I felt it needed to be said nonetheless.

Deleted 304 days ago
Deleted 296 days ago

This is pretty much how I feel. Especially with the changed character design, it doesn't feel right. I'll be sticking with 0.5.2 for now

(1 edit) (+5)

I don't know if it's just me but i miss the cheeby/cute little art style/models... Is that just me...?


Yeah, I preferred that style


Glad I'm not the only person :T


Plus, the flat face just looks really weird


yeah they do... :T

Deleted 306 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

cool, but, i can hardly read and understand those hex codes

! wish there where HSV or RGB values for editing


Suggestion: Add stretch marks


I don't know if it has been asked before but, curiousity has gotten the better of me and I felt like asking. What sort of system do the events use to determine when they should appear? Its it a timer that ticks down while idle? Is it a check system? I've notice I've only really gotten two events to spawn in the game and that was when I let the game idle for around 30 minutes of no gameplay, so I was curious if that was the benchmark

(1 edit) (+4)(-2)

My thoughts after 10+ hours and a character in space:
VERY good game. Sets a new bar in terms of weightgaming. Despite my complaints, I LOVE it.

+ Love the Mii Aesthetic, great choice 

+ Tons of cute nods and references (I picked up on the Job Job joke.)

+ Progression feels pretty natural

+ Good amount of options (Though, where are devil horns? Am I just missing them?)

- Rotating shop is annoying, but not infuriating. My recommendation? Direct order system where for double the price you can buy foods not in the shop.

- Money being tied to happiness is the weirdest choice IMO. I wish we could make millions instead of rocking with our small wage even at space sizes. Here are two ideas I have for how to fix this one.

  • Odd Jobs system (Play small minigames to earn a little bit of extra cash. Maybe like, 1000 per 60 second minigame? Obviously scaling with score.)
  • Sponsorships (What if your citizen would be paid by companies for eating certain food, with said food rotating? For example, "Daily Sponsor" is a fast food place and they tell you to eat nuggets, fries, ketchup and a burger. Eat all 4 by the end of the day, and you get free money.)
(2 edits) (+6)(-4)

plz NO minigames that have nothing to do with the game itself.
NO tetris variant or hit the button at the right time type of games.


After a while it becomes almost impossible to play because the character is so big haha, what would be the limit?


i think the "Savor It" badge is bugged. i have 5 equipped on a citizen and it's not activated once after eating hundreds of foods.


yo!! will there ever be a debug mode where you can just mess around with the citizens stats and world stuffs??

(1 edit) (+2)

Love the obligatory Mario nod to how every 2nd world is a desert-themed one with the Desert room's description. Other than that, so far so good on the bugfixes.

By the way, here's to a potential 1.2. Cheers!


Any way to twink characters between versions?


absolutely love this! however i miss the option to change clothing whenever, also the weight loss clinic for making those very specific characters


oh also maybe a little diagram/sketch for each body modifier so we know what that part will look like


Is There any way you can download the old version of the game??


I really hope you can please allow for a static camera like in the old version, the new camera triggers my motion sickness


Are you looking for help to continue development? With code, script, design, etc?


Not at the moment

NSFW 시각적 계획이 있습니까?


One question, when will you release the Mobile version and if you will release it here?


There is no mobile version. The Patreon goal was never met.

(2 edits)

I notice that there's a tad of slowdown as well as some flickering shading on the character models, even on OK or below in terms of graphics settings.

Also, there's a lack of nods to specific characters outside of Marie, etc. such as your favorite Mario princess (and mine) and a certain purple-haired Japanese goddess of rock, among others.

when i play as any character it's just naked and no face no nothing, thought it was because of character customization but even absolutly new character without editing still bugs and gets just blank


are you trying to make an hourglass character with no belly?

Back ally when


Be patient please


Is there any plan for mac support?

Deleted 74 days ago

when i try to put the saved blurb it doesn't work

Just entered, created my character and I just saw this

Congrats! You got the Hat Man ending.




I had this a lot. Don't set any sub body type options to no. That worked for me (Choosing hounglass + no belly was braking them for some reason)


Did the body type you chose happen to be Hourglass with no Belly?

Yep that exact one

I am happy to see this come out and am enjoying what I've been experiencing so far, especially in terms of customization. I haven't run into anything game breaking, mainly small annoyances. Two that come to mind to me involve the creation process. Glasses cannot be moved or resized, and any changes made to the shape and size of the head are undone when selecting the character, resetting them to default. Thank you for your efforts, and I look forward to the next update, however long that may take.

I want to preface this with a thank you for the continued effort on this game and all the hard work put into it over the years. Overall some interesting choices but I feel like in a lot of ways it was a step-back from the last version. I understand that new design from the ground up means new problems and changes/considerations to be made or were made over previous designs. 

I've noticed an issue with the menus in acquiring BP and then being able to use those points. It will take several tries of opening that menu back and forth to allow items and food to repopulate or new items I purchased to show up. There doesn't seem to be a good way to get stuff to show back up. 

Clothing clipping I understand is a problem with the new way models and stuff works, so I've had a lot of issues there that I think previously were easily remedied by the slider options and post-gain clothing changes. 

Wardrobe, sliders, and maybe two separate store fronts for the grocer for both readily eatable items and the stuff that you can craft.  

I appreciate the hard work but I won't lie and say I don't prefer the previous version of the game and the features it had. If there were an easier way to download the older version it'd be neat, but I get how that might look bad. For now I'll wait for another update to roll around, but am still happy to support the project. 

All in all I hope things get smoother from here and sorry it had such a rocky launch. 


I'd love a way to change a character's outfit once already started, unless this is a thing already that I can't find!

is there some cheats for money?

i want to know too


you can either use cheat engine or edit your save file manually


where do we find the cheat engine or which specific file name is it?

ok thank you

DESPERATELY need auto save! I keep losing all my progress because typing in a number when buying food sometimes crashes the game!

Does it happen with any number? Or large numbers?


Me too. When you put the second number like "345" sometime the "5" come at the second place and can crash the game. (Store or Cook) And if the game don't crash after that, the "345" stay ping in the store and/or recipes. 


Honestly, I wish there were more... furry options, at least for the head/face. I hope that people could at least make a mod for that if the creator can't do it themselves.


I just have a question on if it's possible to edit the save files without the use of a decryption tool
(no nefarious reasons whatsoever for this question)

Not really. One of the options in the options menu is "open save data path" From there, you can edit the .es3 files with notepad or any text editing software. Before you edit, you should make a copy of the current save just in case something bad happens. The code should be somewhat easy to read. I'd recommend not touching levels as that causes the save to be glitchy.

Which file do you edit to change something like the amount of happy coins you have, since i'm kind of lost here, thanks.

I didn't figure out how to do that. I would assume it would be in the inventory save file but I didn't touch it.  Instead I made some random character and gave them 60 level up lollipops and put it all on happiness generation. For the badge coins, I gave that same resident 40 levels into storage and got a savor it badge and made the character a sweet tooth and spammed cheap sweet items


Rest in peace solitary scribbles, you worked your self to death for our sake and we will never forget your sacrifice. May your weary soul find peace in the next world 🕊️

i want her in this update, why he delete her?


I don't know how anyone else feels about this but you think you could add a setting to take away the cell-shading visuals and have regular 3D lighting. I am just asking bc some depth perception is hard to see at some angles. I cant tell what happened until I switch the camera around... Oh! And my colors on my saved characters on (Head) and (hair) when created, uses the color from the previous character that was made.. Just a little note.. I wanted normal skin with yellow hair. What I got was a black face and black hair like my previous cat chick. Same with a blue character.

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