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Thanks for this. The game is fantastic; I love all the customization you've added since I last played! That said, I think there need to be more 'regular' hairstyles, as while there's a good choice, I think some more basics would be good. You've done a really good job with the "conversations", they're good without being too on the nose, so would like to see more of them.

One thing which seemed really cool was events, but I only got one in the whole time I was playing (up to lvl 55). I don't know if apartment interactions could ever be a thing, but something to make events more prominent would be good; something else to do *other* than eating :).

Clipping seems to be an irresolvable issue (even with offsets) once you reach a certain size, so that could be fixed also. Just out of curiosity by the way, when you move out of the apartment (I don't know what happens if you say no), can you ever go back to it? 

Regardless, these are just some minor criticisms, and I hope you continue the great work on this project.

(2 edits)

And yet another problem. My character doesn't look nothing near to what I created and it doesn't show the name

Edit: nvm just had to close the game -_-

So... I found these insane glitches that basicly screwed the game on the PC I play it. So I was playing and leveling up my girl, ynahpetS, which is Stephany backward (yeah pretty original) but then, a blackout happened, but the light came back a couple of minutes after. So I booted the PC and then the game, but when I went to the apartment where she was, she was gone (and I was lvl 51 with 1M+ Happiness Points and a crapload of Mystery Kegs, Soda Bottles, and chest, belly and butt buff food). And the next day I tried to start a new file, the game wouldn't let me create a new citizen. And one last bs that keeps happening (even if I uninstall and re-install the game), it that the option menu wouldn't close, no matter how many times I clicked on the X, it would close. So yeah, the game doesn't work now. Hope you read this Scribbles ;-;

If you delete your save file from the main menu, close the game, then reopen it, it should work again. Hope that helps!

(1 edit)

No, that's not what happened. A blackout happened and when I re-opened the game, my save file was gone. I didn't deleted and would've never done that

They're saying to delete your save file because your save file is corrupted due to the blackout.

(2 edits)

Ohhhh, k. I'll edit this comment to make sure it worked or if it didn't

Edit: Sheeeesh, it did worked :D thx


i love love love this game. been playing it for days now to push its limits and see how far i can do! can't wait to see further development : )

Deleted 2 years ago

They said they'll do that once they reach a specific goal on their Patreon. Consider supporting them.

how do you get the fatties to stop walking?

As obvious as it sounds, if they reach a specific number of wobbs, they'll become immobile.

Can you add an "exit" button to the main menu? Alt tabbing and closing the window manually works, but the player really shouldn't have to do that.

i am completely new to downloading games like this and im having a ton of trouble. the first time it said it was forbidden and i dont know why. Is there a specific thing i have to use to open it? A specific place to put the file? 

no, sometimes games trigger the firewall and you have to bypass it by pressing run anyways on the bottom left corner of the window that pops up. i can help you lmk 

(2 edits)

I like the game but i have three visual BUG reports. first the chest seam to fold into the stomach as a flat surface on top of the stomach when the character eats. Second the clothing seam to be jittery and some of the pixels disappears and mold into the skin. Three clothing like the bra and panty stretches parsley over the belly. Also personnel request but i would like a setting to change the length of the female character hair.


also debuff the weigh gain to the butt with non buff items it  is like 50% of all weigh gained also what happened to cheeseburger.

Found this game from a random thread on Twitter and it's pretty baller. Eventually made a catgirl into a three million wobb blob by feeding her hundreds of whales and I'm now a changed man. Solid project already, keep up the fine work. First Patreon page I've ever seriously looked into too.. Lol

got any tips on how to make good amounts of happiness points, always takes ages for me to get large amounts with any of my citizens

upgrade the digestion rate for a bit first, then upgrade stomach like 3 times then just spam food for xp and build into happiness, different foods offer more xp, sometimes food with more calories give little xp 

Thanks for the reply, was experimenting with capacity and it's pretty good for leveling up, but it's not ideal for cash flow i think. you can get some pretty insane capacity if you really invest though. my current capacity character has like 60k capacity thanks to dumping like 60 levels into it, kinda crazy

will a mobile version ever be released

Check their Patreon. You can take part and donate to make the mobile version possible.

can someone help me why cant i play the game when im done with my charactor and press finish nothing happens is there something im doing wrong i did everything name clothes everything 

you need to pic a room to place the character.( click one of the white blocs.) 

(1 edit)

Loving this game. Every couple days, it brings me a bit of relaxed, fetish-filled joy with my weird little guys, gals, and others. Definitely plan to become a supporter eventually. 

Two small things: 1. Visual glitches when it comes to masculine characters. On every one of my masculine characters I notice these black spots on their upper torso and occasionally other places as they grow. I tried to attach an image but I’m not sure if it worked. 2. A very minor request of mine would be that I’d love to be able to choose and save different room backgrounds for different characters. I only played the previous version for a few days before the update came out, but I feel like I remember that being a thing then.

Thanks so much for making such an awesome game, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future.

-an anonymous person with an embarrassing fetish

Agreed.. Didn't think I was into fat blobs before, but after architecting a couple of my own over the course of a night, I have exited the game a changed man. Lol

Click the setting icon there is a room setting that changes the room background.

Hey there! This is just something that I want to ask: I want to know if I can help you translating the game to Spanish. I want to ask this because I know there's some people that doesn't know how to speak English, and also because I'm Latin-American (It's just a stupid request, but I'm interested).

How can I rub bellies?

Good question.

Okay, game's working better for me now. And honestly, I forgot how fun it is seeing these cute gals grow fatter and thiccer. If anything, I wouldn't mind seeing the addition of a section where you rub the girl's body. I think it would be interesting. Maybe some extra eyes, mouths, facial features and the addition to change the color of the outer eye too. Oh, and the Callie hair. Keep up the good work

I have a quick question, is the save supposed to be in Chinese and random symbols or is it just encrypted. If so why?

It's encrypted. They did that to prevent potential breaking of the game itself, as there were are values in the original code that arent yet implemented. Besides, they're planning a cheat engine anyway.

As a quick suggestion - perhaps move the eating particles with the head as a character goes into the immobile and beyond sizes.  Currently, the only way to see the 'you fed them the craving!' sparkles only show up inside of the character, which is only visible in the apartment/warehouse stages.  Outdoors, you just kind of have to guess and remember what's what.

(1 edit)

when your money gain up to 9 or 8 millions, game will not be playable, menu is still working as it is but loading to any of your citizens apartment or creating a new new citizen, game will crash with "not responding" in the loading screen.

edit=It happen most of the time, technically playable but in the random chance

You can't exit settings once you click on it. There are definitely a lot of bugs, but I won't complain. I know you're having a stressful time, and I WANT you to take a break. :)

(8 edits) (+3)

Loving this so far, but I have some bugs to note;
- Masculine mesh seems to be pretty broken at bigger sizes, especially the chest. Lots of clipping issues with the clothes and bellybutton textures, and general buggy meshes.
- Had a lot of clipping issues with the fluffy jacket and sleeveless jacket.
- Had some dialogue pop up that has the character refer to themselves as a girl, which isn't a problem, but this happened with one of my male characters lol. Dialogue in question happened with the "Stuckup" personality.
- Room interiors keep resetting occasionally, not sure what triggers this since it seems to happen randomly if I leave the apartment sometimes.
- Scrollbar doesn't work with the mouse scroll properly.
- The prompt after the fry grease dialogue still comes up as "klbs" and not wobbs.

I also have some suggestions;
- Ability to give belly rubs to the characters since this is referenced in dialogue multiple times and I would love this as a feature.
- More ways to interact with the characters in general, maybe even allow different characters to interact with each other.
- Maybe add some sort of skill/trait system to the characters, it would be neat to be able to choose things such as more specific areas they might gain better in, susceptible to bloating more often, more frequent/louder stomach growls, etc.
- Ability to give characters certain food preferences, or randomised ones.
- Some sort of item or ability that lets you stuff a character past their maximum for a limited time which always results in a bloat.
- More food that causes bloat, maybe just more types of soda.
- Set unique wallpaper for each resident, as well as customising the room for each resident.
- Maybe add some special items that you and the resident can interact with for the rooms, perhaps make the vending machine an actual item that the resident will decide to snack from themselves occasionally.
- Shop shows how many of an item you have in your inventory whilst purchasing.
- Shop tells us what food craving/category that the food is in.
- Sorting system for food.
- More shops, such as a furniture store, and maybe more places to visit with your character whilst they're able to.
- Item rewards that you can use to decorate the apartment for doing various things or reaching various milestones.
- Adding to the previous suggestion, but maybe have there be multiple food shops to break the food categories up more, such as a bakery for items like the cakes/donuts, and a fast food restraunt for the burgers/hotdogs/etc.
- Male/female gender options. I really don't like all of my characters being referred to as "they" constantly, especially when some of the dialogue is already gendered.
- Voice options, it'd be nice to just have a few more options for the little "nuh-uh" the characters make instead of them all having the same one.
- Have the gainer preferences affect the dialogue. Unless it already does, but I've tested it with a character who doesn't like gaining and they still have a lot of dialogue that encourages it. Maybe some sort of feature that you can enable for characters who don't like gaining to start enjoying it the bigger they get.
- I'm not sure what size the sloshing and waddling starts at, but I have some characters at over 1000 wobbs and I haven't really seen either, so maybe have the sloshing and waddling start at around 1000 wobbs since they're already pretty big by then.
- Feel free to ignore this one, but I'd love to see more vore content in the game. If there is more vore content added, maybe have a toggle in the options to disable/enable that, since I know a lot of people don't like vore.

Edit: I'll update this whenever I encounter new bugs or have more suggestions so I don't have to flood the comments.


Something i noticed is that once you get past a certain stomach capacity or weight, burps just seem to stop happening ever. The only sound that consistently happens is an occasional stomach growl

when I try to open to the game,  a tab opens saying "Microsoft prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk.". does this happen sometimes when you open the game?

Yeah happens with some downloaded executables, but if you're stuck on it all you have to do is hit "more info" and then "run anyway" 


Can you add nsfw content? that can be enabled in the setting. please. btw my characters bum and boobs sometimes turn into squares

The room is too small for breasts.

Any plan to make mobile version?


Hey! This is probably bothersome, but I'm not super fond of the noises. I mean, I like 'em, but was wondering if maybe in the next update, there could be a method of people being able to put in their own burps, belly noises, or whatever other sounds will come in the future?

(1 edit) (-1)

I have no idea what's going on but I'm having this same game breaking problem I've had with the other 2 versions of the game in V4.2. I was playing it last night and everything was working just fine and nothing was out of the ordinary. I came back to play it today and for whatever reason all of my safe data is deleted, my settings are reset, and the character creator doesn't work properly because it won't let me finish the character and then pick an apartment for them to move in to. The finish button just doesn't do anything.

I honestly have no idea why this keeps happening, but instead a persistent problem I've had with every version of this game. I don't know if it has to do with my laptop, if it does I don't understand why the game runs fine those first few days and then everything just breaks itself. Redownloading the game usually doesn't work but I'll give it a try


I need some help, lately whenever I try to add the application of the game to a folder I made for it, it straight up denies it and says I need permission like there's sacred stuff, even though all that's in it is the game files. Help would greatly be appreciated


I don't think there's anything I can do on my end about that. That sounds like it has something to do with your computer and it's permissions


Probably, I use Windows 10 still. So I might have to look up a tutorial on how to fix it


I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but CCC keeps using 90%+ of my gpu to the point where it's constantly maxed. This only happens with version 4.0 and above. Any fixes? 


Oh dang. I'll be sure to look into it

here's a small bug I found:
when you have the menu pop-up for adding a skill point and switch locations (to Gretta's Grocery, Apartments, etc). you will permanently lose that skill point!
Not gamebreaking, just a small bug

Thanks for letting me know


why are save files encrypted? i know you were initially going to encrypt them, since they were incredibly easy to edit, but.. you then said that you'd let people mess around with whatever they want..

what happened to that?

I know right, the editing of the save files was pretty nifty, I just wish the creator reconsiders


They've already explained the reason for it on their Twitter. They had to do that to prevent the game from breaking, as there were certain lines that aren't implemented in the game yet. Besides, they're already considering making a cheat engine of their own.

will immobility at larger sizes be implemented. also maybe inflation content (specifically blueberry 0#0)

I'm not sure what you're asking? Immobility is already a thing in the game.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Update is great but the game lags for way too long. Downloading takes way longer than before also.

Becuase the game is much larger now


I understand that but is there a way for this to be resolved?

I can't do anything about that. I can't control the download client.

Okay thank you

Not sure if its a bug or not, but one of my characters has like, a 6 in Digestion, and a massive like, 42 in capacity but the digestion rate is insanely fast. I can fill the bar up to max but the instant I do, it starts decreasing and takes like 5 seconds to empty making it practically impossible to keep the character full. Also yes, this is a new save that was made on version 0.4.
and no, my other characters aren't like this, only the one in the second slot of the first vertical row. (see attached image)

Do your other characters have a 6 in digestion?

No they don't, they don't have any in digestion. Or have a 1 last I recall.

Then that's the reason why. The more you level up digestion, the faster the character digests 

So with a 6 in digestion, the digestion speed is just near-instant? That doesn't make much sense, but then again, it's a game about making characters massive so ye. Just makes it harder to keep em fed, which, with one character nearly solely dedicated to giving happiness points (one of my characters has like, a 22 in happiness points), kinda balances it a bit.

We’ve been seeing this too. Digestion rate is massively overpowered. I agree it should be somewhat lower too, yes.

upgrades are percent-based, digestion rate starts out at 1%/sec and every boost adds a +2%, so your character digests 13%/sec

btw capacity increases +10% of total

The digestion rate works on a percentage, and this means it increases with your capacity.

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