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I know this would be a hassle to keep but

can you bring back the personalities? Even if they're in the simplest form. I haven't experienced them myself since I got the 2.0 version, but it sounds like fun and would give my fatty a bit more life.

Other than that I really like the game. Simple and Sweet.

Hope the programming is going well (Don't know how to make games so forgive my ignorance) 

is there anyway you could add a belly botton


Will there ever be a Mac release?

Russia is proud of you!  We look forward to fixing visual bugs and adding new content!

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit)


I hate to be that guy, but is there any way to edit save files? Just want to see the different body types and most of the time when I reload a save, the character is changed



you should add an option for perhaps accessories like collars earrings makeup? and then add an option to buy clothing/accessories maybe unique stuff not available for the beginning new game as rewards?


I think this is really excellent. I would like to request an option to mute/disable burping.

Is there a demo?

There's no demo. The game is free.


We need a bigger room.


It's a really cool idea, but some things needs to be fleshed out. The breasts of my character kept clipping into the belly, and when i gave her belly rubs the chest became invisible sometimes. Also we need more, fun ways to get money. It's not very fun when you feed your character and then you have to press on her gut for some minutes while you look at Twitter waiting to gain more money, maybe when the dialogues come back talking to her could give us more than 20 points, or scratching her belly, playing with her... i don't know, something more fun than clicking on my character's belly for ages until i have to feed her again. Sorry if i sound like a huge jackass in this comment, but i really like this game and i wish to see it the best it could be. Keep up the great work!


this is a really solid update but its a bummer that the conversations were removed It really feels like part of the game is missing now even if there are only one personality and no choice of gaining interest ide love to see that feature make a return

(1 edit) (+1)

I don't know if it's just me but all the personality stuff, ability to talk to them, and stuff like that is completely gone. I really liked that feature about the original game and I'm just wondering if I'm the only one with this problem or if there are more people with the same issue

Edit: I realize now that it was purposefully taken out, I hope it is brought back in some way, maybe like one or 2 well-planned personalities. Also PLEASE add another way to get happiness points, its hard to gather any significant points and since talkings extra 300 was removed its now harder when its more demanding and yeah. please add another thing to get happiness. Maybe a contest with size categories or something. I am going to give credit where credit is due though, the new options are awesome especially with the clothing

(1 edit)

This was a very good update! The game looks a lot better! I feel like I can get my girl a lot bigger without much clipping. You guys did a very good job improving the code. The new options add a lot of variety and I can't wait to see more! The new animations on text add a lot of much needed visibility and visual flair. The music choices are also on point.

The inclusion of burping, bloat and faster digestion are very fun! State changes are always good, but I think they could use some tweaking. Bloat causes massive belly expansion for an extremely low cost of both happiness and fullness. Maybe it should fill your fullness more, but is stackable up to 3 times and expands your belly less. Each soda increases the amount of bloat and possibly lengthens its duration. This would also allow the player to choose the amount of bloat they want and give them more options as they progress.

The digestion system helps a lot with the feel of the game. It makes my character's appetite feel more voracious as I progress and I like it a lot for that. I feel like it could be toned down a smidgen though. Right now they tear through food pretty fast after a few days lol. This might be hard to implement, but maybe as your character gets more full, their belly gets larger and more taut, and less jiggly. As you digest, your belly gets more jiggly and your fat distributes. Kind of like the bloat mechanic but for stuffed tummies. 

I also appreciate your honesty with developing content for the game. The personality system was fairly robust and looked time consuming to develop. I think you made the right choice in focusing on other things. If you want to pursue it further I would recommend only focusing on one personality type, then fleshing it out from there. That might give you a better idea of the progression for other personalities in the game. I think the system has a lot of potential and offers a good change of pace from the main game. I like your writing a lot too. You also might want to consider removing the box you can sit on in free roam mode. Right now it kind of squishes all their bits together. 

Also there's a small bug that I noticed. There's a tiny void that appears on the character's diaphragm when stretched or moving. It seems to only be visible on characters with that area exposed. 

Thank you for reading and thank you for all of the good content! 

I don't know where to report bugs, but I keep getting this one where after a certain amount of growth, the character will just stop growing altogether until I close the game and reopen it, at which point, all the withheld growth happens all at once.


can you make a mobile version?


Amazing work, very keen to see where this goes next
Personally keen to see more nuanced interactions
poke tummy make burp


its no longer playable in windows 7 :(

Absolutely loving it!

Great to know! And thanks for playing! ^^

Hey, my Norton security thing keeps deleting the game, I dunno why though. do you know how I can fix that?

Hmm, it's the first I'm hearing of that. I'm not sure why that would be happening.

Can you make a camera zoom and expand function? The character may have gotten a bit too blobtastic for me to see all of her

There is an issue where where the model becomes invisible when there is any changes to the character


great game so far though I have a few suggestions: 

1. more dialogue: I like the idea of dialogue especially in this game, I do find it seriously lacking however and it would be cool to have more chats especially linked to their current weight or how hungry they are

2. weight distribution options: I LOVE how customizable the character is, however, they all grow the same and I think it would rock if either you could set where the weight will distribute itself with some options like standard (evenly), pear (thighs and butt and a little on the belly), bump ( mostly in the belly), hourglass (breasts and butt); or every level you gain fat points where you can select where it goes.

3. more gain feels options: I like the into or not options but maybe a few more would be cool, like secretly into it, it grows on them, they think they are but become hesitant, too into it or something on that line.

4. more ways to earn money: head patting and belly rubs are cute, but they only gove 10 bucks a piece which becomes hard after a while, maybe a date night thing or challenges like losing weight would be cool.

5. a way to lose weight: it would be cool to thin out as well maybe linked to mini-games and for that, to effect dialogue, like if they aren't into gaining they could become more anxious, frantic, or angry if they don't lose weight. If they are into it, they could ask to do it so that way they can plump up again. either option, their stomach still stays the same size though 

6. please add sound, the game is great but it is silent 

I second all of these 

The game and the concept is just amazing, but there's some prolems with the UHD when runninjg it, i know that this is really early acces, so i think is pretty much good work, and you can reserch for a personalized ganing like only belly, belly and bbys, etc


Thanks for reading and i'll hope you the best while developing :

Can resize the screen?

I love the game so far! Are you going to add more dialogue and boy/masc options for the hairstyles/clothing?

my game crashes every time I level up, is there anything I can do to fix it?

Im not sure if my computer is weak, but for some reason when I gave my character clothes it just looks like this. Also when I started the game the character was just naked :0

Created an account just to say it is amazing, that it'd be cool to have a weight loss feature and that i don't know how to change resolution

Oh wow, thank you very much! Resolution options are 100% going to be in 0.2. And I'll look into weight loss!

Do you have any plans on opening donations in any way? I would love to support this project. 

Oh goodness, that's very nice of you!
I'm a bit iffy about taking anyone's money right now. I'd feel strange doing it when the game is still so early off. But the thought is greatly appreciated!

That's totally reasonable! I'll be ready to support the project if you ever feel ready. 

wow I love this! And I’m really happy plans are in for mobile, it’s not common i get to use my computer 

Thank you! Glad you like it so far

i spoted a bug that game dont save colors

That's strange. It seems to be saving for most. But I'll look into it.

Deleted 1 year ago

Would it be possible to show a video of what you're talking about? The character turning invisible is one of the bugs I haven't been able to replicate yet.

I Can’t seem to be able to run the game, any fixes to this problem?

i cant load it either it says failed load mono or somethin

Hmm, did you extract the zip folder before playing?

Yes i indeed Did

What happens when you try to run the game?

It Says “UnityPlayer.dll not found”

That's really odd. The Unity Player should be included in that folder. Is it possible to try redownloading the file? 

The problem might be his antivirus, I've had that happen to me in the past.

(1 edit)

It’s not that

Where is Zed Download so i can redownload it

I'm not sure I understand your question? To re-download, just download it like you did the first time. 


its simply amazing, only one request. if its possible to convert this to a web game compatible with mobile, that would be amazing.

Thank you!
I can't guarantee that, though I may look into it

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