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Fantastic game, thank you for making this! I've spent many hours getting my character as big as possible and it was tons of fun.

That said, there is a funny bug at the very end. The character's weight can overflow, going from 2 billion wobbs to -2 billion wobbs. This immediately reverts them from the city to the apartment, which they are WAY too big for. Should be easily solved by checking the amount of weight to add isn't too high before adding it (i.e. if int.MaxValue - characterWeight < weightToGain, don't gain it).

But of course I always want to be bigger, so... I surmise from the values involved that weight is stored in an int32 (max value 2,147,483,647). First off you could easily double the cap by using an uint32 ("uint" in Unity C# code) instead. Being unsigned means it can't be negative, which seems fine because why would we want a negative weight. I don't think it would be a huge change to up it to uint64 ("ulong") or even UInt128 to support astronomical weights, which would be my dream.

This is probably a super nitpicky ask, and actually speaks to how engaging your game is that I spent enough time to get that far, but I hope you consider it. I'm really looking forward to what you decide to add in the future. Thanks for reading!

I wouldnt agree more

(1 edit)

Is there a way to have no hair for a character? Bald head

Is the launcher still downloadable? I love this game, but 1GB each time is real taxing.

when i try and create a character, the loading screen gets stuck near completion and takes forever to load, i dunno if its my specs orrrr

I have an this bug pop up after attempting to create a charater 

Do you have a Twitter account? Would it be possible to DM me over there? I'm attempting to get to the bottom of this bug and need someone it's actually happening to.

(1 edit)

Same : (

It happens at random, it's so annoying

Hey, did you get a solution to it? I'm having the same glitch

Hi loving the update so far, but there's still no difference between feminine and masculine voice on my client. Using Windows 10 :)


Any possibility of being able to export models for vrchat?

Found a bug or a glitch you get so big to a certain point in puts you in the negatives and u start losing weight what's that about I was at 3.1246E+9 and then put me in negatives every time I ate, I would keep losing weight idk if it does that I just wanted to keep going up.

Are you using 0.5.1 or 0.5.2?

(1 edit)

I was using 5.2 and it's still happening dam and it's like I stop getting bigger at one point. And like once I hit a point it goes in the negatives.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hello! Very nice work, I love this project! Good luck with it! Also a suggestion; 

1 beards would be nice to add!

2 descriptions of food to know what it matches (Sour, Sweet, Healthy, etc.) but idk



I have tested 0.5.2 and I have found few minor bugs:

1 - on character creation screen, when scrolling very down to see the rest of hair and clothes options, the mouse scrolling rotates the character on the right. So the caracter screen and scroll down menu mouse activity should be separated.

2 - one of the new clothes (one piece dress) has a big hole at the back of the cloth (not sure if it's bug or design)

3 - When level up, you can get illness tolerance stat. Where is counted? How does it work? I beleive it should be counted at character stat page under passive happiness points section where other level up stats are counted, but it is not there.

Three recommendations:

Thanks for the illness meter, and for the food warning icons for bloating and illness. It's a great feature.

1- Could you please also add bloating meter? It's really needed to see the bloating levels because on medium/higher levels cannot determine if we have the normal shape or the bloated size, and to see how many time do we need to wait to get the bloating effect removed.

2 - Arm lenght adjustment is needed for higher levels

3 - Character texture width adjustment would be useful to get a more round like shape. The caracters are expanding to two directions only (rear and front) but not on the sides, so some wideness related redesign would be great.

Great update anyway, please keep up the good work.

Does stuff transfer over from 0.5.1 to 0.5.2?



Having roommates would be nice, imagine the collision physics


Enjoyed this game a lot. Just one thing, it feels like the chest buff badge doesn't do anything at higher weights, or the effect is so minimal that it can't be seen.


Suggestion: a badge that lets belly rubs knock a small percentage of your total weight off. (Or a higher percentage, but only has a chance to trigger.

Mainly suggesting this because once you hit about 6 digits for your weight, it becomes really difficult to NOT be a blob.

Oh, maybe the weight loss clinic gives you a permanent, slight discount for every pound you give up, and the more you spend on weight loss, the cheaper the weight loss gets (likely by a percent, so it scales decently.)

I tried to make a new character and it literally just refuses to let me every time I try and click done a bunch of stuff just shows up on screen

Hey there. Are you still experiencing this problem?

Okay so I hit like 2.1647E+9 and now I am -1.88425E+9 Am I losing weight or still gaining I'm confused can we also get a way to select previous maps I went back to the apartment and I want to go back to the city?

Also is it just me or the events are really rare and barley happen

This is being addressed in Friday's update:

The sick system is god awful and needs to be removed or at the very least can be toggled on and off

This is being addressed in Friday's update:

So I fed a high level character a ton of butter and they seem to be sick forever, even with belly rubs its been around two in game days

Pizza Slice and Full Pizza both appear to have been renamed to simply "Pizza" and have the same image

I tired the game out yesterday and it worked perfectly fine but when i opened it today it wouldn't let me exit the settings tab or make a new character so i just cant play the game anymore

Would it be possible to attempt this again?
If it doesn't work, could you do the following afterwards:

  1. Close the game.
  2. Navigate to C:\Users\(YOUR USERNAME)\AppData\LocalLow\SolitaryScribbles\ChubChompChill
  3. Locate the file "Player.log"
  4. Upload it to Google Drive or Dropbox or something and link it to me so I can try to find where the error is

bug report: ive ran in to quite a few minor glitches, but one of the most major ones is one of my shorter characters has some uh interesting neck trouble, n his hat floats higher and higher as he grows..


also when i rub his belly his neck curls backwards like a swan back so far in to his ass


This game's pretty pleasantly addicting, there's a certain fun to planning out how to reach bigger sizes and it has a lot of charm.

Just some feedback tho, i got a weird occurrence where after certain point beyond the max size of a character the game prompts you to go back to the first house as if you had gotten smaller, but the model looks all stretched and weird once you do. If you keep feeding them they go to the warehouse or directly to the city again, and eventually it happens all over again. 

Also illness is incredibly common at larger sizes, even with the less illness badges, since your character eats a lot and you can't avoid the "illness foods" there probably should be scaling on it so they're not instantly always ill after eating one or two food items, specially since belly rubbing starts barely working at bigger sizes it. At a certain point it's more productive to just mash the serve button and hope they eat more than not despite the illness. Additionally it'd be good to have like visual indicators for illness time and other buffs or debuffs, so you can keep track of when to avoid feeding.

But overall really nice little pastime game, looking forward to seeing it evolve.

there’s a terrible Glitch happening to my Game, whenever I exit out of my game and later return to it, All of my citizens are gone as well as my save data. So I try to remake the character only to have the Buttons to not work, I keep trying to make them work but they never go the!! What’s going on?!? If this is a glitch then please fix it


I found a bug, if you happen to level up multiple times simultaneously you only get to choose a perk for one level up.

I was able to do this with one of the new "addiction" badges, specifically the "Foster's Badge" by getting addicted to cookies I was able to feed one of my tenants a gingerbread house, at level 1, and instantly blasted to some insane level, weight and size. I feel an "addiction" shouldn't allow you to feed your tenants more than their capacity, at least not by a lot.

Also, as someone else mentioned getting +2 badge points instead of capacity, digestion or happiness feels useless beyond level 1. Once you can put on the badge that grants BP for eating craved foods you can gather up a large quantity of BP in a short amount of time.


found a bug where at certain sizes you can not rub your characters bellies anymore meaning effects will stay for an extended amount of time

but otherwise, a nice fun game that I may have gotten addicted to

my only other gripe is the weight clinic becomes useless after a certain weight cause its just way too much

(1 edit)

Bug I've noticed, my character got so fat that their head grew larger than their hair. Funny at first, but off-putting the more i had to look at it.

(edit, the hairstyle in question is the one with the single dyed bang between the eyes, middle row and 3 up from bottom in the hair section)

(2 edits) (+2)

First of all, this update is fantastic and added a lot of content that I'd really been hoping for. Really glad to see the continued support for the game, thank you for all of your hard work!

I do have a few things of note about the update though;
- I agree with some of the other comments about how sickness seems to happen too often. Personally, I'm not really a fan of the feature, but rather than removing it entirely (as I don't mind there being some consequences during the gameplay for a more sim-feel) it'd be nice if there was a toggle to disable sickness, or maybe a badge from Kandy that prevents/reduces a citizen from becoming ill. Having an indicator or note on the foods that can trigger sickness would also be a huge help, same with bloating.
- I'm still having a lot of weird clipping and shading issues on larger sizes, and I'm still having the weird chest shading happen on masculine characters. It's understandable that this is still an issue given the nature of the physics, but I think it would be a good idea to focus on these visual problems since the core appeal of the game is watching your characters get bigger and bigger.
- I do wish that the interface was a bit clearer with indicating what you are doing, like just having an outline around the item you're currently selecting and highlighting the current inventory tab that you're on.
- Burps still happen during bloating and belly rubs even when they're turned off in the menu.
- It would be nice if there were different room options for the Warehouse. I'd say the same for the city, but I'm sure that's a bit of a stretch at the moment. I'm happy with just having the city itself anyway, it's a great addition and much more rewarding than space was.
- Sometimes the furniture in the room will randomly appear thrown about when returning to the room, even if my character is on the small-side and hasn't knocked anything around.
- Belly rubbing doesn't always cause the character to stay still, more often than not they keep moving around whilst I'm trying to give them belly rubs which can be a little annoying at times.
- The interface of the Weight Loss Clinic is very messed up and buggy. The add and subtract buttons don't work either, so I have to manually input the numbers every time. I've attached an image of what the menu looks like for me (this happens regardless of what the numbers are, even if they're all at zero).
- Speaking of the weight clinic, I think that the system needs to be balanced a bit more fairly as well, since it becomes practically impossible to use when reaching the massive sizes due to how expensive everything becomes.
- Scenarios still don't seem to trigger a lot, and I tend to get the bad result way, way more often than the good one, and this is even with the positive outcome badge. I also wish that scenarios were a bit more varied and fleshed-out in general, same with dialogue. I'd like to be able to properly talk to my character more often, with different dialogue options and such which might affect some things.

I'll probably keep adding to this comment in the future if I encounter any further bugs with 0.5, same with adding suggestions. Like I did with my last comment here for 0.4.

is this game using 100% gpu for anyone else even while on the worst settings?

use vsync or limit your framerate to 60 fps

(1 edit)

I really feel like your character getting sick happens way too often and lasts way too long. It really kills the pace and fun of the game whan all you can do is sit and wait for it to go away, or mash the serve button until it goes through.

Belly rubs make illness go away 4 times faster

IMO, there should be some indication of what exactly makes them sick, it almost seems random. I know some foods seem to really make them sick easily, but I'm not really sure why they get sick otherwise. Seems like maybe it's a chance based on how big a certain food is compared to your stomach capacity, IDK.

Either way, I skipped the dodgy mechanic entirely by mass-purchasing cheap, small (and small-ish) foods, then stockpiling certain badges to make the small foods more useful, then I use an autoclicker on my mouse to eat thousands of them individually, my character never gets sick anymore, and I get to chuckle at the mints' description about getting immobile from mints.

Idea to make the mechanic a little more clear: a "health" stat for all foods. Eating too many unhealthy foods runs a higher risk of making the character sick, but eating healthy foods is worse for the $/cal side of things, and slows down gameplay. Maybe healthy food even takes longer to digest?
Kind of like an active vs passive choice?


I think I got an overflow error lol. Somewhere after 1.3e9 wobbs (quite a ways past, but that was the last I checked)

I've been having a great time with the current version of the game! I love the gain rate + badge system as it really allows for specializing citizens into specific roles.

However, two things of note.
- Save file corruption apparently can still happen. In my case it happened with no discernable cause and at present I have to start over.
- As others have said, the random events are not common enough. In the previous update I only saw a scant few, and in this update i've yet to see any of them.

Dear Developer,

Thanks for the update.

I have tested the new 0.5.1 version, and I would like to highligt few areas which need improvements.

I. bugs:

1 - as it was already mentioned below the food icos in the shop are not properly scaled (lots of narrow food icons). e.g. please compare Soda icon with version 4.2, and you will see the difference.

2 - how to quit from menu? Only ALT + F4 works

3 - it seems the character/room does not save the exact setup when you leave the room. If you go to the shop/NPC, then you return to the room:

  • bloating visual effect disappears (still bloated. but not visible)
  • illness visual effect disappears (still ill. but not visible)
  • furnitures in the room rotates slightly on return (looks like if they were newly dropped to the room)

4 - some cloth textures are still broken as size grows.

II. Problems (not bug, but not so good for gameplay)

5 - food addiction

When addiction occurs on higher level you need e.g. few hundred cookies, and you cannot eat anything just that single food to remove addiction effect. If you have that badge which gives you the addiction, then you are trying to stock some reserves from that particular food, because it's usually rare in the food store (sometimes you need to wait 3-5 days to be able to buy). But if the high level character is hungry, it will eat ALL of your reserves from the addiction removal food (thousand of cookies just with one click if we use "serve all") and nothing will remain for next time when addiction occurs. :-(

Other option is to click few hunderd times (using "manual serve") to remove addiction effect which is also not good.

So we need a scaled serve option here like "serve 300 units" instead of "serve all", becuase we definitely don't want to use all of the rare addicion removal food with one click.

6 - illness

I don't like that so much. Lots of food makes characters ill for long time (belly rub does not speed up the removal as quickly as expected) and this interrupts the gameplay.

Could you please mark these toxic foods in the description to avoid? Or at least mention the "safe quantity" which does not make illness?

7 - bloating

Lots of food makes bloating, and I belive it's not soo good. It removes the original shape of the character for long time (belly rub does not speed up the removal as quickly as expected)

Could you please make this bloating optional in the menu? If someone likes it, then feel free to enable in the manu, but who don't need it, please let them disable. Or at lease please mark these type of foods what we whould avoid if we don't like the bloating.

8 - size increase is ok, but it's focusing only on 2 directions (back and forward) but not to the sides. If you have some time can you adjust the wide thickness of models? High level characters looks like a car (rear and front) not like a ball.

9 - the new eye types in the character creation are a little bit weird/scary to me, so I would prefer the old "cute" eye types which fit more in my opinion.

10 - I beleive the new voice styles are too serious for these cute characters, so I disabled voice in menu as it does not fit. (some more cute voice style would be preferred)

To sum it up, great work, please keep up the development.

But I will stay with version 4.2 because too much bloating and illness are interrupting the gameplay. :-(

Please make these optional in the menu, or at least describe these side effects in the related food description, then we can avoid using them.

Thank you.



1. Once you start hitting the capacity-level-capacity-level spiral, the weight loss clinic becomes useless, as the cost goes exponential quickly (could maybe become capped?)

2. ...There's a capacity-level-capacity-level spiral, fed by several badges where you just go nuts and infinitely grow for no effort.

3. If you're not interested in mountainous blobs, you run out of stuff to do pretty quick, since the game's designed for you to just get bigger and bigger forever

4. There's really nothing you can do to stop from becoming a mountainous blob

5. Buying BP with levels is 100% worthless, it's easier to get BP from that one badge, I've got like 400 BP, and I'm mad that at least like 20 of them are from levels that could've been used for stomach capacity

6. Still got tons of clipping and warping with the character models, though I guess the size makes that kinda expected. Blob characters in particular have incorrectly weighted (haha) rigging in their arms, for instance

7. The gambling alley is OP as hell, since you get free badges, and get loads of crazy foods. (Also, I don't know what the point of the three bags are. It doesn't seem like they're "themed" differently or anything...?)

8. No clue what bought rooms are for, since you don't stay room-sized for very long

9. I wish there was some metabolism badges, maybe ones that increase/decrease weight changes, and maybe one badge that makes you lose/gain weight over time

10. Those random events that we're supposed to get, I got two... ever. For being a gamble and for having a badge dedicated to them, they're extremely limited and/or rare

11. Still no interactions between different characters you own. Feels like they should at least talk about each other every now and then, IDK

12. Still wish there was a use for the weight loss clinic other than blowing tons of money on getting skinny again, like maybe a rewards system where removing X amount of fat gives you a free thing, and the rewards get better the more you give up

13. The badges in general are pretty unbalanced, it's a bit interesting to have it where a character can eat basically anything of any size or type, have it instantly pretend to fill the entire hunger bar's worth of XP, not actually fill the stomach, give you free BP, and loads of fat all at once, and do so as fast as you can click, which has the funny side effect of making most tiny foods OP

14. Could definitely use some more "status effects" like having lactation as a boob version of the bloat effect, or a sugar rush status effect that makes the character run around faster and generate more Happiness, but ends with them getting ill


Badges are definitely a great addition, but I'm kind of confused as to why a lot of commonplace visual jank has gone unaddressed. The core of gameplay is basically watching your citizen eat, but at higher weights the eating animation has clipping arms and collapsing stomachs. The reintroduced belly rubs similarly cause wider hips to collapse on themselves and bigger bellies to defy gravity.

If it's too hard to fix these animations, making a 0 BP badge that replaces them with standing animations except for facial expressions would be ideal.

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