Version 1.1 is Now LIVE (Patch Notes)

Hey there, everybody. Chub Chomp Chill 1.1 is here. While it doesn't fix everything wrong with the game, it fixes a whole lot. Please read the patch notes below to know what's changed. Thanks for your patience, and I hope you enjoy this release.

Your save will transfer automatically.

(Please remember that Bananahead and Brenda will return when their elements are ready. They have not been gutted from the game)



  • You can now edit citizens' appearances at any time
  • Better camera (Thanks, Max-Digital)
  • Better lighting
  • Auto-saves every in-game day
  • Re-roll shop inventory
  • Stomping and screen shake are back
  • 13 new foods
  • 2 new rooms (Arcade and Desert)
  • Better slosh audio
  • Optional tutorial with a cute new character


  • Weight re-balancing (citizens should gain faster in later stages)
  • "Cure Illness" no longer appears in Kandy's Kriteria
  • Kandy's Kriteria now gives 3 BP on completion
  • Bloating limited to 30 instances at once (stability reasons)
  • Max stomach capacity changed from 2 billion to 1 billion (stability reasons)
  • Increased overall Happiness Point gain by 30%
  • Optimized belly hitbox generation. Should take less RAM
  • Stomach sounds are now different depending on context
  • City room has better composition
  • Belly rubs aid in faster digestion
  • Food and badge balance changes (don't worry, they're mostly buffs)
  • Player can now copy and paste colors without pressing Enter
  • Cheaper rooms
  • Raised item stack limit to 9999


  • Various edits to prevent crashing
  • Addressables names are now shorter. You should be able to extract the .zip just using the normal Windows method now and everything should still load fine
  • Citizens no longer walk after being immobilized
  • Areas like the warehouse should switch properly now
  • Camera is no longer effected when browsing menus
  • Inventory should update faster
  • Escape key no longer makes inventory vanish
  • Import screen now has back button
  • No more crashing when typing numbers in shops
  • Eating particles should now be the same color as food being eaten
  • Black creepypasta figure should no longer spawn
  • Badge duplication / negative BP bug should be fixed
  • "Serve Max" properly applies to Kandy's Kriteria
  • "Sugar Addict" should no longer look like they crave other foods when they actually crave sweet.
  • "Kandy's Kriteria" no longer covers half the UI panels
  • BP Spent/Available should now properly update
  • Stores properly reset
  • Burp toggle in settings should work properly now
  • Citizen arms should raise earlier now
  • Citizen voices being deeper after creation should be fixed
  • Citizen should no longer freeze like a statue after being poked
  • Probably other stuff I'm forgetting

Files 4 GB
Version 1 Apr 20, 2024

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This update has some sort of display issue. When i try to launch the game, all i get is a black screen with music, and i can poke around in the dark to find the buttons, but there are no visuals. I was not experiencing this issue with the 1.0 build

Deleted 329 days ago

I think you just don't have this file. If you have updated your game version, try simply deleting the old game build and creating a new folder and putting all the zip contents in it.

or wait for someone who knows it better.

Your game is great and I didn't find any major bugs, and I don't know, I would add physics or change the saggy breast a bit because I don't see much use for it in my point of view.

I have reached space, I feel satisfied with this update and the perfect game created by you.

enjoy the break and I'll go look for bugs and come up with more great ideas for you and other creators.

I’ve been playing the game for a few hours and LOVE it.

However, I’m kind of stuck with my current character. I’m on 4x speed and yet feel like I can’t get bigger at all anymore, like i have to start a new save. How long would it even take to reach the warehouse? I’m on 14k wobbs and still nothing has changed.

you need a little more, I think you need about 85-100k? to get there, but if you improve the tenant's satiety and feed him effectively, i.e. as little space and as many calories as possible, you won't have to wait long.

100k??? Jesus.

How can I shrink the space? And do you have any tips for growing? I started a new save on 8x speed and poured everything into digestion, happiness and stomach.

Update: I got there!!! It just took 1 Gingerbread House.


"Black creepypasta figure should no longer spawn" gives off the same energy as "Removed Herobrine" and I can't tell if it's an actual bug fix or not lol.


should we make new char or will the old one be fine with the update?

old characters will be fine

(1 edit)

thx for the reply i will keep some char but others i did remake for the experience of growing them again in all honestly it was more fun doing so :D and im loveing the update so far food descriptions had me rolling on the ground at times XD with how creative and funny i found them.
my only wish so far is just a dark mode option for menus ( but this is a me thing cuz im sensitive to bright screen/lights) and i got a idea for a temp buff: Weed gummies or gummi bears that would make the char high in this state your happiness would not go below like 70% and you would get a digestion buff cuz of munchies from it but the more this is used the less effective it gets over time.


I have a question. What parts of the files do we need to keep and what do we need to update?


All you have to do is download the .zip and extract it like the previous build. You can get rid of the previous .zip.